
Serbian Foreign Minister: ‘We Will Certainly Not Recognize Kosovo’

Serbian Foreign Minister: ‘We Will Certainly Not Recognize Kosovo’

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has told TV Prva today that Belgrade is ready to continue the dialogue with Pristina, but “we will certainly not recognize Kosovo,” Koha reported.

“We are not close to a solution. We have tried to make some proposals, but they have mostly been rejected, and they have never been officially discussed,” Dacic said, adding that dialogue facilitators “should know that we will certainly not accept to recognize Kosovo’s independence […]”

Dacic and President Aleksandar Vucic have made similar remarks in recent days.

Kosovo and Serbia will attend a White House meeting on June 27 to resume talks after three years of stagnation.

Kosovo aims at getting recognition by Serbia and a UN seat at the end of the dialogue.

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