
Video: Chinese Police Launch Joint Patrols In Serbia

Image screenshot RFERL

In a new security initiative, Chinese police are starting patrols with their local counterparts in three Serbian cities. Officials say the measures will help a growing number of Chinese tourists feel safe when they visit Serbia, although two of the target cities — Novi Sad and Smederevo — are better known for Chinese investment than for tourism, writes RFERL.

China, along with Russia and Turkey, have made inroads into the Balkan region which has a long history of instability. The EU and NATO have been aggressively trying to bring the region away from Eastern influence.

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Walkin O'Shea September 25, 2019 at 3:02 pm

“Officials say the measures will help a growing number of Chinese tourists feel safe when they visit Serbia…”

The Serb military or police forces can’t protect tourists? I don’t think I really believe that nonsense. Now why exactly are the Chinese in Serbia? Expansion by any other name.

Vincent September 25, 2019 at 4:21 pm

The Great Game continues.


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