Eastern Europe News

Update: Terror In Russia, At Least 13 Students Dead

Screenshot The Moscow Times

1920 Moscow Time – Death toll raised to 19. Only one shooter, a student at the school taking revenge…The Daily Mail reported a lot of details.

1601 Moscow Time – Russian President Putin, while overseas in Turkey, sends his condolences to the families of the dead, and sends hope to the wounded

1555 Moscow Time – Police say shooting not terror, but Columbine-style attack by possibly more than one shooter

1537 Moscow Time – Deathtoll raised to 18…in Russian School Shooting

(Moscow) Developing…

A terrorist shooting and bombing in the Russian-annexed region of Crimea killed at least 13 students at a local college today in Russia.

Thirteen people were killed when gunmen burst into a college in the Black Sea region of Crimea, set off a bomb in the cafeteria, and went through the building shooting anyone they saw, officials and the college’s director said on Wednesday.

Threat Of Terrorism Growing Along Russia’s Southern Borderlands

Law enforcement officials said they were treating the incident as a terror attack. Video footage from the scene showed armoured personnel carriers and military tucks lined up on theapproach to the college, in the Crimean city of Kerch, reported The Moscow Times.

At least 50 were wounded.

К политеху подъехали военные

К политеху подъехали военные. 200 военнослужащих, 10 единиц техники (БТР и служебные). Они помогут разобрать завалы.

Posted by Mash/Мэш on Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Девушка рассказывает о теракте в политехе

"Вика, у нас взорвали политех. Мы бежали, а дети просто лежали. Мою подругу убили у меня на глазах. Я видела, как она упала и больше не шевелилась. Я видела, как пацаны просто падали".Еще один рассказ о теракте в Керчи. Очень страшно.

Posted by Mash/Мэш on Wednesday, October 17, 2018

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