Balkans News

Kosovo’s President, Belgrade Willing To Consider Border Changes

Image by David Liuzzo

Senior government officials in Kosovo and Serbia have indicated a willingness to consider border changes as part of a peace process aimed at ending a dispute over Kosovo’s independence that has hampered both country’s accession to the European Union.

But critics on August 7 warned that the entire Balkan region could be destabilized by the idea of swapping a predominantly ethnic Albanian part of southern Serbia for mostly ethnic Serb populated parts of northern Kosovo.

Serbia-Russia-Turkey…New Love Triangle In The Balkans Challenging The EU

Kosovo’s president, Hashim Thaci, has suggested that the idea of unifying Serbia’s southernmost Presevo Valley region with Kosovo should be raised during the next round of EU-mediated talks between Pristina and Belgrade, which are expected to take place in Brussels in September…

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