Eastern Europe News

Russia Admits Defeat on Its ‘Stealth’ F-35 Killer By Canceling Mass Production Of The Su-57 Fighter Jet

Image by Anna Zvereva

Russia announced earlier this month that the Su-57, its proposed entry into the world of fifth-generation stealth fighters, would not see mass production.

The jet had some promising capabilities in combat, but design and production difficulties made it a challenging project with limited export potential.

This move represents a failure of Russia to manage its huge defense budget and breadth of projects and to find buyers for its version of a jet meant to take on US stealth fighters.

It’s No Surprise India Finally Ditched Its Stealth Fighter Program With Russia

Russia announced earlier this month that the Su-57, its proposed entry into the world of fifth-generation stealth-fighter aircraft, would not see mass production.

“The plane has proven to be very good, including in Syria, where it confirmed its performance and combat capabilities,” Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said on Russian TV on July 2, as reported by The Diplomat…

To read more visit Business Insider.

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