Eastern Europe News

Ukrainian Lawyer Who Helped Prevent Sister’s Killer’s Release Found Murdered

Ukraine continues to battle lawlessness and corruption on a grand scale as mobsters enforce their will on the population, in spite of rare legal victories for the rule of law. The body of a Ukrainian lawyer and human rights activist was recently found in a river near Kyiv Oblast’s Demydove village on the first day of the new year, reported the Kyiv Post. She had recently won a court case to keep her sister’s killer behind bars. The father of the convicted man openly threatened her with harm.

Iryna Nozdrovska was reported missing after work on December 29th by her family.

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“Nozdrovska was the target of threats for her efforts in the case of Dmytro Rossoshansky, who was convicted of causing the death of Nozdrovska’s sister, Svitlana Sapatanyska, in 2015 when he hit her while driving his car. Judges rejected an appeal by Rossoshansky, the nephew of a Kyiv region judge, to overturn under an amnesty his seven-year prison term on December 27, thanks in large part to efforts by Nozdrovska to raise public awareness about the case,” reported RFERL. She had thanked the judge for “one of the extremely rare just court rulings.”

“Today drug-addicted nephew of a judge, a killer of my sister, was supposed to be released from jail. His addiction gave him a bunch of diseases that could have helped him to escape justice,” Nozdrovskaya wrote on her Facebook page.

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“It emerged that killers, who have cirrhosis, hepatitis, and other diseases can use the amnesty law to be released from jail and continue their criminal career.”

“The court didn’t satisfy his defender’s claim. The killer of my sister will celebrate New Year behind bars,”

“On Jan. 1 police found the body and launched a criminal investigation of first-degree murder,” Ukraine’s Interior Ministry press service reported on Jan.1.

Lawmaker Mustafa Nayyem wrote on Facebook on Jan. 1 that Rososhanskiy’s father was openly threatening Nozdrovskaya during the court session, saying she would “end up badly,” wrote Kyiv Post.

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