Column 3 News

EU Extends Sanctions Against Russia

 EU Extends Sanctions Against Russia
Image by kremlin.ru

The European Union extended sanctions against the Russian Federation until January of next year due to continued Russian support of separatists in East Ukraine and a refusal to follow the Minsk agreements negotiated to end the conflict.

The 28 EU heads of state and government made the decision on June 22 during a two-day summit in Brussels after German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron gave a briefing on how the Russia-backed insurgents and Ukrainian forces fighting in eastern Ukraine are adhering to the conditions in the Minsk agreements, reported Radio Free Europe.

The sanctions were initiated after the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and after the separatist rebellion in Donbass.

The measures target Russian financial sectors, banking, and certain individuals deemed involved in the conflict.

Moscow has reacted angrily and declared the sanctions will have no effect on Russia’s actions.

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