Column 3 News

Latvia Dismantling Last Soviet Missile Silos

Latvia dismantling Soviet missile silos

The former Soviet republic of Latvia will dismantle the last of Soviet missile silos in the northeast of the country, reports the online portal, Delfi. The Dvina R-12 Missile Compound houses four silos that will be dismantled and the land used for other purposes. They shafts are 32 meters deep.

“In principle, this is an impressive 10-storey underground building divided by several levels and built of a very strong concrete,” the web portal citied the owner of the company dealing with the compound’s dismantling.

Approximately 190,000 euros will be spent on the project and the project will take six months. There is also and underground command center that will be destroyed.

Many former territories of the USSR have been active in removing emblems, monuments, and facilities of the former communist empire. The removal of war memorials has caused tensions with Moscow.

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