Middle East News

Russia Signs 49 Year Lease For Military Bases In Syria

The Russian armed forces have signed a 49 year lease with Syria for use of the port of Tartus for the Russian Navy and the air base at Hmeymim for the air force. The lease will have a 25 year automatic renewal feature if neither side objects. The agreements will ensure a permanent Russian presence in the Middle East for decades to come.

“The current agreement will stay effective for 49 years and be automatically prolonged for 25-year periods, if neither party makes a twelve months’ notice in writing through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate the agreement’s operation,” read the documents on the Russian legal portal

“Russia will use the facilities subject to joint use on the disinterested basis,” the agreement says.

“The logistic facility shall enjoy full immunity from the civil and administrative jurisdiction of Syria. Its movable and immovable property enjoys immunity from search, requisition, arrest or executory measures,” the document states, reported Russian State News Agency TASS.

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