
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: The Standing Ovation That Canadians Gave To The Islamic Murderer Omar Khadr Tells Us That Most Canadians Have Lost The Will To Live

Displaying a deep pathology, most Canadians applaud a convicted murderer and Islamic terrorist whose family belongs to Al-Qaeda

Displaying a deep pathology, most Canadians applaud a convicted murderer and Islamic terrorist whose family belongs to Al-Qaeda
Canadians demanding that self-admitted terrorist murderer Omar Khadr be released from prison
Copyright: Joshua Sherurcij [Attribution]

As a scientist, the most important question I know is “why”. Why are things how they are? Sometimes, rarely, we can find the answer. Sometimes we can hypothesize. Even when no answer is forthcoming, the act of asking the question itself is of paramount importance. It is what separates human beings from animals, though most human beings never ask. Most of us never realize our God-given potential to wonder. And that is a shame.

Omar Khadr, a scion of a “Palestinian” and Egyptian family that made a home for itself in Toronto, killed a US medic in Afghanistan. For this action he was awarded ten million dollars by the Canadian government and was called a “magnificent gentleman” by the moderator of a Q&A session following a talk that he was invited to give at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The only reason Mr. Khadr is famous and the only reason he was invited to give the talk was his and his family being members of the Al-Qaeda terror organization on whose behalf he fought against the United States and against his own country of birth and citizenship, Canada. Regardless of this fact and although Mr. Khadr in his entire life has done nothing of note other than killing an American military medic, no questions were allowed about his crime, his subsequent ten year stint at Guantanamo, or his release and the award of ten million dollars for being “wrongfully imprisoned”. 

The audience consisted of a few captives such as high school students and a bunch of white affluent ladies. All gave the Islamic terrorist murderer Mr. Khadr, a standing ovation.

To recap: “Palestinian” and Egyptian man and woman meet in Toronto. They are extended every hospitality by their new country, Canada. They repay this hospitality by raising their children to be Islamic terrorists and take Omar, age 15, to fight Canada and the US in Afghanistan, which he does, admittedly throwing a hand grenade that kills an American medic, Christopher Speer, age 29. The young Mr. Khadr is wounded, taken to Guantanamo as an enemy combatant, where he spends ten years after going through a full legal process by the Canadian authorities. He then sues, gets a liberal Canadian court to acquit him and the liberal Canadian government of Justin Trudeau to award him a ten million dollar settlement. 

In Canada, based on the results of the latest general election, about two thirds of the electorate have voted for social democratic parties: the Liberal Party, the New Democratic Party, and the Bloc Quebecois. These Canadians are in love with the murderous Mr. Khadr and his entire family of murderous Islamic terrorists. They love them even though they fought against them on the battlefield in Afghanistan. Why?

When you are in love with a person who demonstrably wishes you dead as two thirds of Canadian voters are, you are doubtlessly experiencing a mental illness. In fact, you are suicidal. But lacking the courage to commit suicide, you encourage others to kill you and incentivize their attempts to do so.

So two thirds of Canadians love the murderous Khadrs because they are suicidal. But why are they suicidal?

Here we must depart from the domain of hard fact and venture into the land of conjecture. I hypothesize that these two thirds of Canadians are suicidal because they are running, in their brains, two parallel programs; programs that are, however, mutually exclusive. 

Image by Alisdare Hickson

The first program is a program that these Canadians inherited from their ancestors. These ancestors were people of European origin who were sufficiently enterprising and sufficiently tough and skilled to leave overcrowded and politically unstable Europe to make better lives for themselves in politically stable Canada, a land rich in opportunity for those who were willing to work hard. And they did work hard. With this hard work, they created one of the best countries on Planet Earth by any measure. 

The last two generations of Canadians, or rather, the two thirds that love the Khadrs, became convinced that the wonderful country that was bequeathed to them by their admirable ancestors was not the result of their forefathers’ and foremothers’ labors and sacrifice, but rather was stolen at gunpoint from various indigenous peoples and as such cannot legally be theirs. This idea is, of course, preposterously wrong. Canada is a native American word, but an entirely European country. It was legally conceived, created, built, and owned by Europeans. However, this is not what two thirds of Canadians believe because making them feel like thieves and trespassers in their own country, a country built entirely by their ancestors, became a profitable exercise in the 1970’s and still is today. 

So Canadians are taught that every privilege they enjoy is the direct result of robbery and thus something that they should be deeply ashamed of. And yet, judging by the amount of debt that Canadians incur to buy homes, cars, trucks, ATV’s, boats, and vacation cottages, they are very much enjoying the fruits of this “robbery” and of all the horrors that their ancestors had supposedly imposed on the native populations they had encountered when they first arrived in the North American continent.

“Liberal” Canadians exist simultaneously on two planes: on one, they lead normal “first world” lives. On the other, they are consumed by feelings of guilt because they are convinced that nothing in their existence had been won by legitimate means; it is all the fruit of a poison tree. 

To put it even more bluntly, two thirds of Canadians are convinced that they are guilty of the capital crime of stealing the North American continent, or at least their half of it, from its rightful owners, a crime punishable by death. This is why they give standing ovations to those who, like Omar Khadr, made an actual attempt to kill them. This is why they criminalize any opinions, such as these expressed by me in this column, which support their legal rights to their own country and allow the most vile anti-Canadian actions to be undertaken without any adverse consequence. 

This is why Canada is falling behind in every aspect of technology, business, and resource exploration. The majority of Canadians have simply decided that they don’t deserve to live and that their very presence in North America is an abomination that must be quickly corrected. Mr. Khadr the convicted murderer, freely enjoying his unearned millions, is simply a way for them to feel better about themselves as they exit the stage of history.

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ia February 16, 2020 at 12:23 pm

If they truly thought they were guilty of stealing wouldn’t they return the land to the rightful owners? I don’t think they feel guilt at all. They are status-marking the haters and bigots, the bad whites. These people are quite pleased with themselves.

And February 20, 2020 at 6:54 am

There is some merit to your perception and opinion.
Theres an underlying thread that you’ve missed about canadians tho .
We live next to the USA and we are well aware of the corruption in the republic and its effects on our country.
The fact that the Afghan invasion was illegal ,was based on lies and was caused by israhell destroying WTC is a major factor in many a canadians support for khadr.
Add the facts that there was zero legal defense of his rights as he was swept up in the mic/Zionist manipulations .
many here realized that if the USA decided to invade Canada because israhell blows up the presidential library and turns it to powder as it free falls all of us would loose our rights to satisfy oligarchs bloodlust for profit and power .
Omar threw a grenade that was thrown into his house by a marine,he threw thst grenade out of an opposing window from the doorway it came in and managed to get that grenade over a wall ,where Omar couldn’t see the medic doing triage .
It wasnt deliberate it was a defensive act that sadly caught a victim of an occupying force involved in an illegal war ,unaware as he was triaging a wounded marine .
Many of us realize we’re reading of an act that isnt illegal for a civilian ,while the narrative is pushed thst he is a terrorist .
Were the Wolverines in red dawn terrorists?
Cause that is what you state when you label the kid a terrorist .

Walkin O'Shea April 4, 2020 at 9:28 pm

Canadians have a need to be loved by the world. Not long ago, you would have heard Canadians say the very same thing about Americans. However, Americans have grown up since 9/11, Canadians, not at all. After all they never suffered, why would they? Everyone loves Canadians. You’ve heard this nonsense in many places…’Are you from Canada, Canadians are such nice people’. Now couple that concept with the white guilt that has been thrust upon them by Canadian indigenous peoples and Canadian Blacks, Canadian French, now Canadian Muslim populations and you can begin to see how much Canada has become like their idols, the Scandinavian countries who have lost their own sense of self. Sure Canadians like to pretend they are individualistic and free-thinkers blah,blah,blah. all this to the detriment of their own sense of identity. In reality they have no real sense of self, and are forever looking to others to help them feel a part of something greater. This is why Justin Trudeau is working so hard trying to buy a seat on the UN Security Council. Their experienced real hardship has been limited. They’ve never experienced a civil war; they’ve never had to deal with real disasters in their lives. They would suggest to you that because they are who they are, is the very reason nothing bad has happened to them. Most if not all serious players on the world stage, have had upheavals in their own societies. So much so that these same upheavals have brought peoples of these countries together in a stronger bond, namely patriotism and nationalism. How patriotic are people who allow Kadr the murderer, to re-enter their country from a foreign war where their own troops were being killed by the likes of this selfsame murderer, pay him millions for killing an ally medic/corpsman, then go on to give him a standing ovation? Perhaps it’s true; Canada is run by “white affluent ladies” with a death wish.

Eurie Smith May 4, 2020 at 8:11 pm

my family contains some” candyasses” who have duel citizenship.

They are worthless . But their fathers were great men and true freedom fighters

during ww2. The present generation is a group of dump offs that spite on their true



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