Middle East

Iran Revolution Update: Over 250 Protesters Killed. Regime Hoarding Bodies. 3700 Injured. 7000 Arrested.

Iran Revolution Update: Over 250 Protesters Killed. Regime Hoarding Bodies. 3700 Injured. 7000 Arrested.
Screenshot Twitter

The Iranian Resistance reports that over 250 protesters have been killed, some of them as young as 13. Most were shot in the head by the IRGC.

Over 7,000 have been arrested and over 3,700 injured.

Even the Department of State, which was instrumental in the ‘Iran deal’ that pave the way for the murderous regime to get nuclear weapons got in on the act of calling out the Mullah’s behavior.

The protests against the regime have spread to over 146 cities.

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Hellpig November 21, 2019 at 1:21 pm

What’s the point of a comment section if you don’t publish any comments?

Staff November 22, 2019 at 2:08 pm

We moderate all comments. We get lots of crazies here…as we report the truth and the truth hurts many. We are a growing company and sometimes don’t have the bandwidth to approve instantaneously. That will change over time as we hire more staff. We approve 99% of comments. However, if you are ugly, use profanity, threaten violence, or just a troll, we don’t post. Hope that helps.

Mark November 21, 2019 at 2:51 pm

Virtue signaling on twitter won’t help anyone, but it will make the State Dept feel relevant.

If we really want to help, we can team up with Israel and take out the mullahs…all of them. While we’re at it, we might as well destroy all their nuclear facilities too.

rickey ricardo November 22, 2019 at 1:31 pm

I often wondered myself, why aren’t you publishing comments? On topic, why hasn’t the White House sent some of these CIA,” REMFs” from Washington DC over with some covert aid? Over there right and now is both the time and place to be cutting a deal with the Kurds. Hello?

Staff November 22, 2019 at 2:08 pm

We moderate all comments. We get lots of crazies here…as we report the truth and the truth hurts many. We are a growing company and sometimes don’t have the bandwidth to approve instantaneously. That will change over time as we hire more staff. We approve 99% of comments. However, if you are ugly, use profanity, threaten violence, or just a troll, we don’t post. Hope that helps.

markit8dude January 29, 2021 at 3:47 pm

CD Media Staff: Thank you for filtering the crazies, trolls ( ;


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