Middle East

Recent Reports About The PMU’s Role In Iraq

Recent Reports About The PMU's Role In Iraq

Recent weeks have brought into the spotlight the role of the Hashd al-Sha’abi or Popular Mobilization Units in Iraq. This comes amid increased tension between the US and Iran as well as leadership within the PMU holding the US and Israel responsible for alleged airstrikes that have destroyed PMU munitions warehouses. At least six such alleged airstrikes since July; at Amerli (July 19), Camp Ashraf (July 30), Camp Falcon (Aug. 12), near Balad (Aug. 20), Al-Qaim (Aug. 25) and Hit (Sept. 10); have increased PMU rhetoric against the US.

For instance on August 21, deputy leader of the PMF Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis blamed the US for the attacks and claimed that four Israeli drones were responsible. This comes during a period of uncertainty about the future of the PMU’s role which could see its brigades integrated further into the security forces, or see them remain more independent. Various models could result, such as the model of Hezbollah in Lebanon or the IRGC in Iraq. After the decision in Iraq in 2017 to incorporate the PMU into the security forces, the force was supposed to be integrated in 2018. But in 2019 there are still disputes about its role in places like Nineveh and its independent stockpiling of munitions…

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