Eastern Europe

Ukrainians Fear Large-Scale Aerosol Spraying Of Cities Meant To Harm People, Not Mosquitos As Advertised

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Citizens of Ukraine were surprised to see large-scale aerosol spraying of multiple cities in the last couple days, raising fears among the population as to the purpose behind it. Many don’t believe the mosquito control excuse. Large scale smoke formations were also seen across the country, futher spreading rumors.

Trust in the government has collapsed.

Social media comments read like the following:

I have only one question for the herd:

I would have already slapped the driver…

Another comment read:

They spray Kyiv with poisons

Thus the war and the pandemic is a genocide.

Strange smoke formations were also seen across the nation…further frightenining residents.

City officials in Kyiv said the smog below was from peat bogs burning, but citizens are skeptical.

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