Eastern Europe

False Flag Plot – Russia Warns West Of Ukraine Having ‘Dirty Bomb’

Mushroom cloud from nuclear weapon

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Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, made his second call in three days to U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, on Sunday. The subject of the call was a bizarre accusation from Putin claiming that the Ukrainian military is preparing to provoke Russia by detonating a radioactive “dirty bomb.” Shoigu made similar calls to other Western countries including Britain, France, and Turkey. Lloyd purportedly told Shoigu that he “rejected any pretext for Russian escalation.”

The dirty bomb accusation is one of several false flag plots created by Moscow in an effort to justify its escalation of the war in Ukraine. While Russia is accusing Ukraine of detonating its own dirty bomb and blaming Russia for the attack, Ukrainian forces have put the blame back on the Russians claiming that Moscow is planning such a false flag operation.

Not only is Russia claiming that Ukraine has a dirty bomb, but also that the UK is assisting with the planned attack. After Shoigu had a call with Britsh defense secretary, Ben Wallace, the UK Defense Ministry said, “The Defense Secretary refuted these claims and cautioned that such allegations should not be used as a pretext for greater escalation.” No evidence supporting Shoigu’s claim that Britain is helping the Ukrainians was provided during any of the calls.

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Ukraine President, Volodymyr Zelensky has responded to Putin’s accusations calling them an “absolute and quite predictable absurdity.” Meanwhile the French Foreign Ministry has warned that the war is, “trending towards uncontrollable escalation.”

While the West and NATO work swiftly to shore up Ukraine’s arms and provide continuous funding, it appears that nothing Ukrainian allies are doing can calm the threat of nuclear war as Putin pushes Russia closer to escalation daily.

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1 comment

Bob October 25, 2022 at 7:21 am

Like a small-time thug, Putin is playing a game of chicken with the West. He will never use any nuclear weapon in Ukraine as he knows it would be the end of him. Xi of China warned Putin specifically at the latest Asia summit that China will join with the western sanctions if Putin will go with any nuclear option.


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