Eastern Europe

Putin Declares Western Sanctions Are A Declaration Of War

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Russian President Vladimir Putin declared today that “Sanctions that are being introduced are akin to a declaration of war” on Russia.

Putin added that attempts to establish no-fly zone over Ukraine by any country will be seen as joining conflict.

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Mary Jo March 5, 2022 at 2:09 pm

Putin is correct. When we put sanctions on him, that is an act of war.

These people are playing with fire. Does anyone really want a war with Russia? Answer seems to be yes. Idiots run our foreign policy divisions. People like George Soros are giving these people advice.

Tony Bell March 6, 2022 at 12:38 am

Next step in Putin’s plan to unseat the petrol dollar. The sanctions have given him exactly what he needs to pull it off. Good job Joe, you idiot.

Popeye March 6, 2022 at 3:40 pm

Putin definitely has the moral high ground in this conflict. The United States military and the CIA have been building, for the last decade now, biological weapons laboratories in the Ukraine. These biological weapons laboratories are producing bio weapons that specifically target The genetic make up of Russian citizens.
Putin‘s current military mission in the Ukraine is to destroy these biological weapons facilities that are targeting the Russian people. Putin should not stop fighting until these bio weapons facilities are destroyed.

The enemies of western society and western culture are the “one square mile city of London” banks and the Wall Street banks. The purpose of the scam Demic was to depopulate the world and take away the natural rights of the people, these wars that will come now are the next scam in the process.


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