Eastern Europe

Video: To Stop High Speed Chase, Russian Police Create Blockade With Civilian Vehicles…With The Owners In Them (It doesn’t Go Well)

Police in Vladimir, Russia (very near Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation) created a ‘living wall’ of cars to stop an auto thief in a high speed chase. The only catch is they left the owners of the vehicles inside…it didn’t go well. The criminal breaks through the barrier and gets away.

Russian civic groups are trying to get this massive viewership on social media in order to focus attention in the hopes of getting the victims compensation.

Only in Russia…

Сегодня это самый обсуждаемый в соц сетях видео ролик, о том, как умные владимирские гаишники устроили "живой щит" из…

Posted by Синие Ведёрки on Sunday, February 10, 2019

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