
Baltic Nations Threaten Shooting War With Belarus Over Migrant Onslaught

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The crisis in the Baltics has been escalating for some time as Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko uses illegal migration against EU Baltic nations as retribution for sanctions against ‘White Russia’.

Today, Poland threatened ‘armed escalation’ against Belarus and the illegal migrants as tensions increase. Lukashenko threatened a response by Russian nuclear weapons.

Belarus has recently signaled a willingness to be annexed into the Russian Federation after resisting such a move for decades. Western sanctions after an attempted ‘color revolution’ drove Lukashenko to accept Putin’s ‘offer he couldn’t refuse’.

Poland “expects” an “armed” escalation at the Belarus border, where 3-4,000 migrants are amassed – blaming Minsk for orchestrating the surge, reported RT.

Belarus President Lukashenko said: “If we stumble, it will immediately involve Russia in this whirlpool, and this is the largest nuclear power, I’m not crazy, I perfectly understand what this can lead to,” after a phone call with Putin.

Online footage shows migrants using trees to damage the border fence, as the Russian Foreign Ministry strongly refuted claims by the West that the situation is Lukashenko’s “hybrid operation” with support of the Russian Federation.

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1 comment

Walkin O'Shea November 12, 2021 at 5:38 pm

Hey who can blame Poland! Poles don’t want to become another US with illegals pouring over their border. If Belarus is so intent on letting them into their country, let them keep them. Good for Poland to stand up for their sovereignty.

Hej, kto może winić Polskę! Polacy nie chcą stać się kolejnymi USA z nielegalnymi imigrantami przelewającymi się przez ich granicę. Jeśli Białoruś tak bardzo chce ich wpuścić do swojego kraju, niech ich zatrzyma. Dobrze, żeby Polska stanęła w obronie swojej suwerenności.


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