Eastern Europe News

Returning The Names: Victims Of Stalin’s Great Terror Are Not Forgotten

Joseph Stalin Lazar Kaganovich 7 Nov 1933

One by one they stepped up to recite the names: “Nikolai Afanasiev.” “Filipp Bezikov.” “Boris Troitsky.” “Vladislav Yankovskiy.” And hundreds more.

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Those who came to Lubyanka Square in the shadow of the former KGB headquarters on Monday took turns reading not just the names but professions and ages of those killed during Josef Stalin’s Great Terror. In a line that wrapped around the square, they waited their turn for up to three hours in temperatures that hovered around freezing throughout the day and into the evening.

“It’s important that he knows what happened,” said Sulamif Volfson, 40, who brought her 10-year-old son Yakov with her for the second year running. “We have relatives who were killed during the repressions, and we have relatives who helped carry them out. I want him to know the full history…”

To read more visit The Moscow Times.

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