Balkans News

11 Months Later, 5 “Priority” Magistrates Still Await Vetting In Albania, Leading To Continuing Court Disfunction

On December 1, 2017, the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) opened 57 “priority” cases of judges and prosecutors for the new judicial governance institutions of the High Prosecutorial Council (KLP), High Judicial Council (KLGj), Justice Appointments Council (KED), and High Inspectorate of Justice (ILD).

Nearly 11 months later, 5 magistrates are still waiting for their hearing: Kastriot Selita, a former member of the KED, ILD candidate Marsida Xhaferllari, and KLP candidates Besnik Cani, Shpëtim Kurti, and Ramadan Troci.

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Meanwhile, changes in the KED led to the opening of the vetting procedure for Enton Dhimitri, Sotiraq Lubonja, Fatos Qato, and Ahmet Jangulli on January 16. It now seems increasingly unlikely that all these cases will be finished before the end of 2018, which means that a new KED, elected for 2019, will have to be vetted – and the Constitutional Court will remain dysfunctional for most of next as well.

Meanwhile, additional candidates for the KLP remain to be sought, while the dossier of Luan Dervishi an additional candidates for the KLGj, was only opened on May 15.

Tsarizm has written previously about the delays in ‘justice reform’ in Albania and the consequences here: How The Soros State Department Destroyed Justice In Albania

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