Middle East News

Iranian Wheat Deal With Russia/Kazakhstan Falls Apart…Tehran Whines For Finance Money As Trump Sanctions Take Hold

Image by Андрюша Романов
Russian Test field for winter wheat crops

Iran has become a huge financial disappointment for the Kremlin. After being provided access to billions of dollars by the Obama administration, including a multi-billion ransom in cash flown in to Tehran in the middle of the night on an unmarked plane, Russia was planning on reaping billions in windfall contracts from the Islamic theocracy. Even former Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that ‘some of the cash will end up financing terrorism”. Trump changed all that and is pressing to reduce the revenue coming into the murderous regime.

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Plans for a deal under which Russia and Kazakhstan are to supply wheat to Iran have stalled as “no progress” has been made in its financing, the secretary general of the Iran Federation of Food Industry Associations said.

Talks on the deal began six months ago. It would see Russia and Kazakhstan supplying wheat to Iranian flour millers, who in turn would supply flour to Iraq — a market dominated by Turkey.

“The Iranian side had its condition – if you would like to realize such agreement, you need to finance it. There has been no progress in this process so far,” Kaveh Zargaran told Reuters on the sidelines of a grains conference in Moscow this week, reported Reuters.

A Failing Iran Remains A Dangerous Iran

The American sanctions have only started to bite. Tehran is no longer going to be able to finance terror and mayhem world wide. In fact, it is a good bet the regime will not be in power by the end of the decade as civil unrest grows across the country.

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