Central Europe News

Minister In Poland Calls LGBT March A ‘Parade Of Sodomites’

Image by Silar

Poland’s defense minister today called an LGBT march in-country as a march of sodomites which was focused on promoting an ideology rather than civil rights.

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Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said Sunday on TV Trwam, a Catholic, pro-government station, that the march of 5,000 people the day before in the city of Poznan was an example of city authorities focusing on “ideology” rather than taking care of daily municipal issues, reported Associated Press.

He called the march “another parade of sodomites who are trying to impose their own interpretation of civic rights on other people.”

The Visegrad Group of countries, consisting of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, have fought with the European Union over the massive wave of economic migrants from North Africa and the Middle East, saying they will not compromise their security and culture.

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