Baltics News

Estonians Consider ISIS, Islamic Migration, Main Threat To Peace And Security In Baltics

Image by Mstyslav Chernov

A recent poll commissioned by the Estonian Ministry of Defense shows that residents of the Baltic nation consider the activities of the Islamic State and migration of refugees and asylum seekers to Europe as the main threat to peace and security on the Continent. The “Public Opinion and National Defense” survey also showed that the perceived Russian threat to the Baltics is regaining strength.

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“The most important threats pointed out by the respondents are the activities of the Islamic State and terrorist networks,” reported The Baltic Times. “The migration of refugees and asylum seekers to Europe are considered a threat to world peace by half of the respondents.”

“In this survey, 37 percent of the respondents see Russia as a certain threat. It is worth recalling that Russia’s activities to restore its authority were still ranked first in March 2015 with 46 percent,” they added.

Many of the Nordic countries, especially Sweden, have seen a marked increase in crime, including rape and murder, in addition to the terrorist threat posed by Islamic migration.

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