Central Europe News

Polish President Signs New Civic Group Funding Law

Polish President Andrzej Duda signed into law recently a new measure which alters the funding process for civil groups in Poland as the Law and Justice Party (PiS) continues to shake up the Polish political landscape.

The mainstream press narrative on the legislation was that critics fear the conservative government may use to undercut groups with missions that conflict with the ruling party’s positions, according to the Associated Press.

In reality, it seems to be an attempt by the government to control the power of the purse, a normal right associated with the party in power.

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“The law establishes at the prime minister’s office a new National Freedom Institute that will distribute public funds from the government and the European Union among Poland’s 100,000 NGOs. It also adds 40 million zlotys ($11 million) to the existing pool of 60 million zlotys,” writes Ap.

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Culture Minister Piotr Glinski declared the priority for the new institute will be small regional projects, local academies, volunteer activities and consumer protection, obviously not Left-leaning groups funded by George Soros.

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