The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: #MeToo…From Denunciation To Extermination
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: #MeToo…From Denunciation To Extermination.
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: #MeToo…From Denunciation To Extermination.
Stalin famously remarked that when it came to elections it was not the voters whose opinions counted, it was the opinions of those who counted the votes that carried the day. This opinion is widely shared today by the global elites in places like Beijing, Moscow, Brussels, and Washington DC….
Image by Mikhanbd When I first came to America 20 years ago and started to pick up on the colloquialisms of the American corporate language, the expression I found most endearing was “motherhood and apple pie”. In my mind it was the perfect simile for something that is so utterly…
One of the most radical and most defining characteristics of the Founding Fathers was their ability to simultaneously hold and articulate two seemingly opposing points of view: Religiosity is good, BUT state mandated religion is bad. Local governance is important, BUT so is federal governance. Consent by the governed is…
Image by Mr. Wonderful Communism and capitalism look at the world through two diametrically opposed paradigms; capitalism employs the paradigm of success, while communism uses the paradigm of envy. In free market societies, when we ask ourselves: are we successful, the yardstick by which we answer this question is self-referential;…
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Who Owns Your Stuff?
Image by RIA Novosti “Burzhui” was a dreaded word in the first decades following the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. A brutal word derived from the French “bourgeois”, it was a label affixed to any resident of the former Russian empire who had managed to achieve any level of financial success…
Are the words “woman” and “mother” synonyms? Do they mean the same thing? A hundred years ago, no matter who you asked, which resident of this planet of ours, young or old, male or female, in Japan or in Java, in Boston or in Moscow, the answer would have been…
Image by ru:Шадр, Иван Дмитриевич Dictatorship of the proletariat. That’s what Karl Marx and his followers, including in the US Senate, consider the ultimate form of human governance. Now if you’re like me, they’ve lost us at “dictatorship”. I am not big on being dictated to. Tried that growing up…
This day 100 years ago a thousand-year old political entity known as Russia ceased to exist. This entity was spread over an area greater than one sixth of the entire landmass of our planet and was among the top five powers in the world. So what happened? This question is…