
Will Erdogan’s Turkey Recreate The Ottoman Empire?

Will Erdogan's Turkey Recreate The Ottoman Empire?
Image by Jughrafiya-i Osmani

Under President Erdogan Turkey is being reconfigured from a secular republic to a resurgent neo-Ottoman state, reinforced with a strong religious identity.

Turkey is playing an increasingly prominent role in regional affairs not refraining from direct military involvement and setting up military bases across the region.

It is also known to support such radical Islamist groups as Muslim Brotherhood, which led to a rift with Egypt and alignment with Qatar…

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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pc_PHAGE July 24, 2022 at 6:46 pm

Continued Muslin migration into Western Europe has made it increasingly unstable–which is the whole point.
It is only a matter of time before Muslims decide to act. They will have the support of respective governments against its white populations.
Racial and religious civil war in 20[?] years will destroy Christianity in Western Europe.
The Turks will give aid and comfort to their co-religionists.
They will try to take Vienna for a 5th or 6th time.
They will succeed.


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