OpinionThreat of LGBT Violence Used as a Political Weapon in MalaysiaL Todd WoodOctober 19, 2018October 19, 2018 by L Todd WoodOctober 19, 2018October 19, 201803046 Threat of LGBT Violence Used as a Political Weapon in Malaysia....
AnalysisSex, Lies, Videotape, And Sharia In MalaysiaL Todd WoodSeptember 30, 2018 by L Todd WoodSeptember 30, 201803751 Sex, Lies, Videotape, And Sharia In Malaysia....
Balkans Column 2 NewsAlbanian Pedagogue Arrested In Malaysia Linked To Islamic StateIrena ShabaniOctober 10, 2017 by Irena ShabaniOctober 10, 201704203 Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas Following the arrest of the Albanian pedagogue in Malaysia, Klodian Zaimaj, the Imam, also known as Ibrahim, an Albanian media...