Eastern EuropeVideo: Russia Honors Its 20 Million War Dead As The Immortal Regiment Marches AgainTsarizm StaffMay 9, 2019 by Tsarizm StaffMay 9, 201903270 Video: Russia Honors Its 20 Million War Dead As The Immortal Regiment Marches Again.R...
Eastern Europe NewsWatch Live: This Is How They Honor Veterans In Russia, The Immortal RegimentTsarizm StaffMay 9, 2018August 13, 2018 by Tsarizm StaffMay 9, 2018August 13, 201804039 Watch Live: This Is How They Honor Veterans In Russia, The Immortal Regiment....
Column 2 NewsUkraine To Move Date Of Immortal Regiment Next Year To Separate From RussiaL Todd WoodMay 9, 2017May 11, 2017 by L Todd WoodMay 9, 2017May 11, 201702969 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said today the country will move its Victory Day celebration one day earlier to May 8th instead of the 9th when...
Eastern Europe NewsVladimir Putin Joins 750,000 For Immortal Regiment In MoscowL Todd WoodMay 9, 2017July 9, 2018 by L Todd WoodMay 9, 2017July 9, 201803414 Vladimir Putin Joins 750,000 For Immortal Regiment In Moscow....
Column 2The Immortal Regiment To March On May 9thL Todd WoodApril 27, 2016 by L Todd WoodApril 27, 201603770 Up to one million people world wide will participate in the Immortal Regiment march in May which celebrates the lives of those killed fighting Nazi...