Middle East

Iran’s Responses To ‘Deal Of The Century’

Iran's Responses To 'Deal Of The Century'

During Friday prayers on January 31 Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani condemned US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century.” he said it was the “betrayal and a scandal of the century.” The plan is a unilateral decision by Israel, the US and several Arab states, he argued. “The plan has been protested by freedom-loving people in the region and around the world. Mahmoud Abbas says they sold Quds [Jerusalem]. The Palestinian people will certainly reject this treacherous plan and will fight for the end of the occupation in a serious and permanent way. We defuse the conspiracies by protecting the world’s freedoms. We are against terrorism.”

Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani continued to slam the deal. “The shameful deal is the result of betrayal by some Arab governments. No conspiracy and treason can violate the rights of the Palestinian people. Resistance groups, Ayatollah Sistani, prominent personalities, and others have condemned the plan.” This seeks to show Iran is mobilizing allies across the region. “The enemies are seeking to disarm and push the resistance. The Americans know that they are going to bury this dream, and Palestine will be liberated…”

To read more visit MECRA.

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