Eastern Europe

Russian Press Describes Kremlin Fears Over Israeli ‘Pager Attack’

Image by Diego Delso

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The Israeli covert ‘pager attack’ against Hezbollah has caused obvious angst within the Kremlin. This anxiety is seen through the reporting today of the Russian state press.

“This is indeed an unprecedented strike from the point of view of technologies used. Batteries and chargers may be artificially overheated and used as an explosive device. The other thing is that previously it was difficult to carry this out on such a large scale and in such a targeted way,” Grigory Lukyanov, researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences told Izvestia, reported Russian state news agency TASS.

“What happened can be viewed as yet another step toward the escalation of tensions. The situation is already indeed hanging by a thread and can get out of hand because both opposing sides, Israel and Hezbollah, have been making rather tough statements lately, balancing on the verge of an all-out war. Even Iran is trying to postpone this moment, fully realizing its consequences,” Farhad Ibragimov, professor at the Faculty of Economics of the People’s Friendship University of Russia, told Izvestia.

“There is definitely an Israeli fingerprint here, although Israel will not claim responsibility because they do not want to get directly involved in a major war even though some politicians are saying that the country is ready for it. Iran will certainly make rather tough statements but will not go beyond them, realizing that harsher moves may trigger irreparable consequences. Hezbollah is being provoked to an open war, the movement may carry out some operations in Israel in response, so the situation here is rather dangerous,” Ibragimov added.

“A truly serious, substantial blow has been dealt to Hezbollah’s combat ability, precisely from the point of view of coordinating actions. This strike will have an effect for some time. Until the coordination is restored, Hezbollah will remain vulnerable which can make Israel’s potential large-scale operation more effective than without this groundwork. On the other hand, the destructive impact on Hezbollah may be so strong that it might take any large-scale military operation off the agenda, while the supporters of a limited operation may get additional arguments in favor of it,” Lukyanov noted, adding that the intention of the political leadership to launch a land invasion into Lebanon is highly exaggerated.

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