Eastern Europe

BREAKING: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Threatens Further Action If French Authorities Seize Russian Assets And Send Funds To Ukraine – Considering Breaking Relations With United States

Sources tell Tsarizm/CDM that Russia may break relations with the United States over the issue.

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Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has issued a fiery response to French declarations to seize Russian assets (73billion Euro) in Europe and send the funds to Ukraine to fund the war, now that American and European taxpayers have blocked further funding of the conflict.

There has been no accountability for funds already sent, which for the United States, totals over $100 billion.

Sources tell Tsarizm/CDM that Russia may break relations with the United States over the issue.

Here is a rough translation of today’s remarks by Lavrov.

These people (Americans) are thieves, we realized this a long time ago. Thieving, before now time,  was only in political terms, in the sense of refusing agreements, in the sense of trying to deceive someone, but now in the literal sense. Look, how they are now rushing around with this idea of finding some legal ways to confiscate Russian assets, or, as I understand, confiscate the profits that they receive from our assets and send them to Ukraine. Europeans still retain signs of respect for their own laws, so they hesitate with such decisions. But according to our information, the Americans explain in closed contacts how to change these  Europeans laws in order to take everything and completely steal it. Well, we’ll see. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov commented on a similar topic today. And he said that if such a confiscation physically takes place, then we also have something to confiscate in response.

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Charles R McRae December 24, 2023 at 9:28 pm

Never thought I would agree with the Russians, we had no right to take their Central Banks Funds, we started this war when the CIA tossed the elected PRES. and Installed Zelenski.

Quartermaster December 25, 2023 at 7:22 am

Yanukovych ran for Russia instead of standing trial for the crimes he committed. He abandoned his office and was replaced by an open election. The CIA did not oust him, no matter how much Putin lies about the issue. Neither Poroshenko, nor Zelensky were “installed,” as you and your fellow Putin supporters like to express it.

Quartermaster December 25, 2023 at 7:25 am

Don’t start wars and you won’t have to worry about the way the rest of the world treats you. Putin’s problems are just getting started.


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