Eastern Europe

VIDEO: Like Opening Scene From Terminator 2 – Russia Launches Second Major Offensive In Donbass

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Russia has begun its second major offensive in the Donbass region of East Ukraine in the early hours of April 19th.

On April 19th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced the beginning of the next phase of the special operation in Ukraine. The claim was made during his interview with India Today TV channel. Earlier, on April 18th, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that the 2nd phase of the Russian operation in the Donbas, reported SouthFront.org.

UPDATE: Sergey Lavrov also claimed the following:

  • It is impossible to seriously discuss Zelensky’s statements, since he constantly changes his point of view;
  • The Russian Federation is not going to change the political regime in Ukraine, Ukrainians themselves must decide how to live on;
  • Russia is considering the possibility of using only conventional weapons in Ukraine.
  • Sergey Lavrov has recently clarified that the operation in the east of Ukraine is aimed at the complete liberation of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. He assured that this operation will continue and the next phase of this special operation is beginning, wrote Southfront.
  • Lavrov also stressed that the crisis in Ukraine could have been resolved long ago if the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, had cooperated and sought to implement the Minsk agreements. However, “the West betrayed Zelensky”, using him us a puppet against Russia.

The war in Ukraine is in a decisive phase, said former British Ambassador to Russia Tony Brenton. He thinks there can be two outcomes: ▪️ Russia will capture Donbass and will use it as an argument in negotiations; ▪ But it is more likely that Russia’s attempt will “bog down”, and both sides are waiting for a “long war of attrition”. In this case, “both sides will sooner or later start looking for an agreed result,” reported Real War Telegram channel.

So far, forces of the L/DPR People’s Militias, supported by Russian troops, have made significant progress on the front lines in the Donbass region, but their advance has been practically stopped for at least two weeks. A major redeployment of Russian troops in the Donbass has been completed, and a major offensive against the AFU positions in eastern Ukraine continues. The joint Russian forces are aimed at surrounding the largest grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed in the region. A major battle is now inevitable, wrote Southfront.

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Steven April 19, 2022 at 3:04 pm

This is Putin’s war, that he is murdering thousands of soldiers in his own military and thousands of Ukrainians, by forcing this war upon them, likely a war of none of their own choosing, expect possibly some of the Russian flag officers who have been killed by the Ukrainians, and in at least one instance, by their own soldiers who came to understand the way they were being used.

Frank McCarthy April 19, 2022 at 4:12 pm

Nasty piece of work those explosive canisters and ordinance being pumped out of attack helicopter’s and ground based self propelled armor. This is called clearing the zone of combatants and softening any response.
I predict the Ukrays will be high tailing it out of this very hot place in seconds.

UncleJack April 19, 2022 at 4:16 pm

This is 2 evil, corrupt governments fighting each other. The only difference is our Commiecrats launder their money through Ukraine, therefore they have to be the “victims.”

John April 19, 2022 at 6:59 pm

Deep State going down ?????

Ouchie April 19, 2022 at 8:49 pm

With a little luck hopefully.


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