Eastern EuropeVideo Emerges Of Ukrainian Security Forces Beating Unarmed Civilians by Tsarizm StaffApril 5, 2022April 5, 20224 11639 Share40 Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Gab TV, GETTR Video emerged recently of Ukrainian ‘SBU’ security forces beating unarmed civilians in Dnipropetrovsk. WARNING – this video is violent and disturbing You Won’t Get Anywhere Else What You Get From CDMedia! Donate! Bucha Proof Of A Ukrainian PogromRussia’s Dilemma: How To capitulate In Ukraine And Save Face
There are no good or even sane guys or gals who wish to take charge; to rule over people. Leaders serve reluctantly because they are chosen, not because they ask to lead.
Ve jus blame de russians!
Seems the Ukrainians treat their own people as bad as they accuse the Russians of doing.
Typical, they are all Sadists, every one of them. No mercy for you on the battle field. Soon they will face Russian solders and then…