Eastern Europe

Russia Says Military Will Reduce Operations Around Kiev & Chernihiv After Positive Ceasefire Talks

VIDEO: Evacuation From Mariupol

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Update (0900ET): As markets increasingly hope that a ceasefire deal in Ukraine might finally be at hand, media reports claim that Russia’s high command has already started to withdraw forces from around Kiev in what the US believes represents a “major” policy shift.

Russia has reportedly said it wouldn’t mind if the Ukrainians joined the EU, so long as they remain militarily neutral. But whether or not this is a genuine breakthrough remains to be seen.

* * *

As the first statements coming off now concluded for the day Russia-Ukraine ceasefire talks trickle out, both Interfax and Reuters are reporting the potential for a major breakthrough, as Russia’s Defense Ministry has said it’s seeking to create conditions for dialogue towards halting military activity around the capital of Kiev and major northern city of Chernihiv

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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GEORGE CHAMBERLAIN March 29, 2022 at 6:58 pm

A major policy shift? Idiots. They never intended to take Kiev. They needed to tie up the troops there while they took out the 12-15 battalions in the East at the Dombas.

BigG March 30, 2022 at 4:57 am

Next Step: See the predatory Joe Biden speak AGAINST any peace talks to benefit his weak and pathetic self and that of his piddling pilfering irrelevant party. Fact is that Biden wants Putin bombed-out to prevent him (Putin) from exposing the Biden Crime Cartel’s underhanded business dealings in Ukraine and elsewhere, including that of his human trafficking crack-saturated laughable son with the rectangle-shaped head. PresT has recently suggested that Putin expose Joe Biden’s criminal acts and all the mega-dirt Putin has on the cruel and abusive Joe Biden & Family.


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