Eastern Europe

RT Reports Biden Backs Down On Ukraine Joining NATO

Is Russia Really Worried About NATO presence In Ukraine?
Image by David Holt

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Biden thumps chest over Ukraine and NATO membership.

Putin masses troops.

Biden backs down.

Sounds like Obama’s red lines and manufactured crisis.

Biden: No Ukraine NATO membership for 10 yrs

President Biden is expected to pressure Ukraine to honor the terms of the Minsk agreement, which includes making progress on greater autonomy for the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, reported RT.

Kiev has refused to move forwards on some obligations laid out in the peace plan signed in 2015 such as constitutional reforms for the regions until it has full control over them.

Biden has also indicated Ukraine will not be invited to join NATO for at least a decade – adding to Germany’s skepticism over Kiev’s membership aspirations.

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1 comment

Remo Williams December 10, 2021 at 9:46 pm

We should get both Ukraine and Russia into NATO to check the Chinese… or get rid of NATO because the Soviet Union no longer exists.


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