Eastern Europe

New Spill Of 45 Tons Of Jet Fuel Pollutes Tundra In Taymyr

New Spill Of 45 Tons Of Jet Fuel Pollutes Tundra In Taymyr
Initial reports said the leak was 20 tons but later this was revised up to almost 45 tons. Picture: StrelkaKrsk

Worrying pictures show the latest leak of toxic fuel into the Arctic waterways in the northern Taymyr peninsula. 

The fuel has spread into two bodies of water which ultimately flow into the Yenisei River. 

It burst from a pipeline on 12 July operated by Norilsktransgas, a subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel, close to the village of Tukhard.

Initial reports said the leak was 20 tons but later this was revised up to almost 45 tons. 

A source told TASS that the spill had been contained. 

‘In order to prevent the fuel from spreading into the Bolshaya Kheta River, seven lines of containment booms have been set up,’ an official said.

‘Fuel-contaminated soil has been treated with 750 kilograms of sorbent…’

To read more visit The Siberian Times.

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hmtv July 14, 2020 at 8:42 am

turkuye cok iyi bir ülkedir istanbul yek.

malik on hm July 19, 2021 at 10:52 am

it’s a beautiful country


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