Eastern Europe

Russian Deputy Warns Mosques Replacing Churches ‘Like In Switzerland’

Russian Deputy Warns Mosques Replacing Churches
Image by IlshatS
Ilshats mosque Iran Moscow

Russia is experience demographic decline of its white Russian population and Islamic migrants are making inroads into the country, threatening the Christian heritage that Russian President Vladimir Putin has worked hard to resurrect from the tsarist period.

After a massive cathedral project was cancelled due to vocal public protest in Yekaterinburg due to public space concerns, Russian officials are speaking out about the consequences.

“If there is no cathedral, there will be mosques, and you will get another Switzerland,” Yekaterinburg city deputy Alexander Kolesnikov said while commenting on the church controversy. “The government will work better if church bells are ringing,” reported The Moscow Times.

“It is an attempt to present mosques as something obviously undesirable and negative, despite the fact that a significant part of Russia’s population is Muslim,” Arthur Mukhutdinov, the head of the Muslim spiritual administration in the Sverdlovsk region where Yekaterinburg is located said in an open letter to Kolesnikov, added The Moscow Times.

Muslims were “deeply offended by such a provocative, inadmissible interpretation of the issue,” said Mukhutdinov.

Approximately 30% of the population of the Russian Federation is Muslim.

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Delyon June 18, 2019 at 9:52 am

Drive them out of The Motherland. Never forget their dastardly Dubrovka terror when over 170 people were slaughtered. They will repeat endlessly until they are disenfranchised- with complete clearance.

Vincent June 26, 2019 at 1:06 pm

moslems were offended. Too bad. Wait while I shed a tear for the offended moslems.


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