Eastern Europe

One Fifth Of Russians Want To Leave Russia

One Fifth Of Russian Want To Leave Russia
Vladivostok airport

Fully one fifth of the Russian population wants to leave for another life somewhere else according to a recent poll by Gallup. 20% want to emigrate if they could.

Public polling inside Russia has indicated in recent years that between 17 and 20 percent of Russians were willing to migrate. Official data, which has been criticized for downplaying immigration figures, says Russia’s emigration numbers have reached a six-year record, reported The Moscow Times.

An “unprecedented” 44 percent of young Russians between ages 15 and 29 voiced the desire to leave. Germany and the United States are the most desired locations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s popularity has plummeted in recent months due to harsh economic conditions and a new pension reform enacted into law which many see as a bill to force them to work till they die. Life expectancy in Russia is much lower than in the West. Demographics in Russia forced the change as the previous system was unsustainable. Russia’s birth rate is not enough to keep the population stable.

Corruption and elitism are also driving people away as well as crackdowns on political opposition and censorship. 15,000 people demonstrated in Moscow recently for internet freedom.

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