Central Europe

Poland’s Ruling Party Tries To Buy Coming Election

Poland's Ruling Party Tries To Buy Coming Election
Logo of Law and Justice party

Poland’s ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS), is behind in the polls for the coming European Parliament and National elections, so they have decided to buy it. The party released a plan today which calls for spending to increase on social services by 10 billion euro.

Speaking at a party convention Saturday, Jaroslaw Kaczynski announced upgrading the generous social program of his right-wing Law and Justice party, which is enjoying the highest social backing ever since it won power in 2015; He promised expanding family benefits to cover every child, abolishing tax for young employees and more payouts for retired people, reported Associated Press.

PiS remains the most popular party in Poland but a string of scandals has eroded its support, raising some doubts whether it can retain its parliamentary majority. PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski said the party was offering voters all it could, reported Reuters.

“A person whose pockets are empty isn’t free,” Kaczynski, Poland’s de facto leader, told supporters at a party convention. “We are filling these pockets, within what’s possible.”

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