
Conservative Baltic Leaders Call Astravyets Nuclear Power Plant Threat To National Security

Будаўніцтва Беларускай АЭС пад Астраўцом, 2016
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Conservative leaders of Baltic and Nordic countries issued a statement this week condemning the Astravyets Nuclear Power Plant as a threat to regional national security.

“Noting that energy security and the security of supply are key aspects of our overall security, we recognize Lithuania’s position that the Astravyets nuclear power plant poses a threat to its national security,” the statement reads, reported The Baltic Times.

The document was signed by Gabrielius Landsbergis, the chairman of the conservative Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats, and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, the leader of Norway’s Conservative Party, as well as their counterparts from Denmark, Finland, Latvia and Sweden. 

“We had the opportunity to present the Astravyets threat which we see as one of the biggest national security problems in Lithuania,” Landsbergis said after the meeting.  

“One of the issues we discussed was security. We were informed about the violations regarding the power plant, and we understand what security challenges this poses for Lithuania,” Solberg said. 

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