
Serbian President Warns Ukraine Crisis May Spread To Western Balkans

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President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic has warned that the crisis in the Ukraine may spread further into Europe and especially the Balkans.

Vucic, who is currently in Monaco, commented on the situation shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree recognizing the independence of Donbas, a region in southeastern Ukraine.

“As the Supreme Commander, I issued an order to the members of the Serbian Army and a request to the police forces and a request to the Special Units to be prepared in the best possible way, to continue investing in equipment and weapons,” Vucic stated.

Meanwhile, Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani raised concerns that Russia will use Serbia, its closest ally in the region, to destabilize the Western Balkans. Osmani made the statement to local Kosovo media following her participation in the Munich Security Conference.

During a speech to Parliament on Tuesday morning, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that Kosovo supports Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence.

“Kosovo will always side with the European Union, the United States, and NATO,” he said.

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