
Germany Remains Resolutely Opposed To Kosovo-Serbia Land Swap, Says CDU MP

Germany Remains Resolutely Opposed To Kosovo-Serbia Land Swap, Says CDU MP
Chancellor Angela Merkel and CDU MP Peter Beyer, also Rapporteur on Kosovo to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Kosovo’s Rapporteur to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Peter Beyer, has reiterated Germany’s disapproval for a land swap agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

In an interview with Gazeta Express, the CDU Bundestag member claimed that he wasn’t aware of EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell’s refusal to exclude exchange of territories as an option for a Kosovo-Serbia deal. However, he said that Germany’s position would remain opposed to change in borders.

“In any case, our position remains unchanged. The border between Serbia and Kosovo is not going to change. Period. No one should live under the illusion that Germany could change its stance on this. It’s no going to happen.”

Beyer added that publicly presenting this as a legitimate option contradicts interests of peace and stability in the Western Balkans. 

The EU alone, he said, can help overcome political and historical challenges and pave the way for the Western Balkans to enter the European Unions. Beyer also stated that Germany, in close cooperation with European partners, should assume a leading role in facilitating the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. 

Beyer also advised against protests in the street or parliament of Kosovo, as have taken place before. People are suffering and need perspective, and for the multiple crises Kosovo is facing to be managed well by those in leadership positions.

Finally, Beyer admitted that the process of visa liberalization for Kosovo citizens has been delayed. He added that further excuses regarding this process from certain Member States risk undermining the EU’s credibility.

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Gerard Frederick May 9, 2020 at 12:58 pm

Germany has no business agitating for or against anyone´s land swap. Furthermore, it is ANGELA MERKEL and her criminal cohorts, not the people. They are busy with their own problems.

Walkin O'Shea May 14, 2020 at 5:40 pm

Why does Germany think it’s their business to interfere with the workings of other European countries. The best Ms. Merkel could do is mind her own business, she hasn’t done all that much good for her own country, considering the social mess she’s instigated.


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