
Khamenei Lashes Out At ‘Tiny, Sinister Albania’ For Supporting Iranian Resistance Fighters

Khamenei Lashes Out At 'Tiny, Sinister Albania' For Supporting Iranian Resistance Fighters
Albanian President Ilir Meta visits PMOI Camp Ashraf 3 Outside Tirana In 2019, with President-Elect of the NCRI, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi
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The Iranian Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, lashed out at the nation of Albania in the Balkans which has housed the remaining Iranian Resistance fighters, not killed by Iran in Iraq, under UN refugee status since 2016. The People’s Mujahadeen of Iran, or PMOI/MEK, have openly called for the downfall of the Mullah’s regime and plan to install a democratic, tolerant government in Tehran. Resistance units inside Iran have stoked civil unrest over the last year in a continuing campaign against the regime which started in the early 1980s.

“Several days before the uprising, in a small and sinister country in Europe, an American and a number of Iranians drew up plans, which we saw in the gasoline incident. As soon as (protesting) people came to the scene, the enemy’s operatives began. Demolishing, torching, murdering, destroying, and fomenting war. This was a renewal of the work they had carried out before. And they continue to do these and they will do whatever they can.”

A few hours later, the Albanian President Ilir Met said, “Albania is not an evil country, but a democratic one, which has suffered from an evil dictatorship, and as such cherishes human rights as a sacred value. The missiles fired by the Iranian regime against two U.S. military bases is a provocative act with dangerous consequences for the region and its stability. Albania continues to decisively stand by its commitment alongside the United States and NATO countries in the fight against international terrorism and any action that would endanger global stability and peace,” reported a statement by the National Council of Resistance in Iran.

In another development, addressing the presence of the MEK in Albania, Prime Minister Edi Rama said, “We have done something which is the source of honor for, and consistent with the traditions of, Albania, based on an unambiguous agreement with the United States to welcome and open [our] doors to a group of people whose lives were in danger. We have lived under dictatorship and know full well how dictatorships behave and how they control everything to liquidate any opponents across the globe.”

Former Prime Minister and a current Cabinet Minister, Pandeli Majko said in this regard, “The Mujahedin have not created any problems in society. On the contrary, they are very calm and mature people. We have carried out a responsibility based on the tradition of hospitality,” He added, “In Europe, this Special Forces General who was killed (Soleimani) puts on diplomatic attire and comes to Europe to carry out terrorist operations and then they cry out for respect for international laws and the UN Charter.” 

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1 comment

rickey ricardo January 10, 2020 at 1:45 pm

As an Albanian American, speaking Geg-ge-ah (sp?) I can tell you, these are a people desperately seeking a closer arrangement with America. They can and will fight. Let’s get some of our fat ass analysts out of Washington DC and into the mountains where the Iranian resistance can form, train and organize.

Send me you stupid mother phuckers. I got Albanian banking relations (Federal reserve level). Spooks and operators with links into banking for logistical continuity. In the end, the Revolutionary Guard are going to have to be rooted out, hole to hole and into the end of days. They got a lot of payback coming, these 7th/c Persian rag heads. Color Trump’s memory, Alexander the Great.

Trump may not be ideological, but he knows when and where to win. You and I know how. The North Koreans are watching closely and make no mistake.

Make this thing happen. America is back. The down and dirty is always midwife to victory, stability and advancing civilization.


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