Central Europe News

Ex-Czech President Calls For Revolution To Save Sovereignty Of European Countries From EU

Image by DerHuti
Vaclav Klaus

His country and his continent last century escaped fascism and communism, but former Czech President Vaclav Klaus argues that Europe desperately needs to be liberated again — this time from the clutches of globalists and multiculturalists, and from a European Union bent on imposing open borders and crushing the principle of sovereign rights.

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Mr. Klaus, a longtime critic of the European Union who preached the virtues of national identity and secure borders long before the age of Brexit, told editors and reporters at The Washington Times on Tuesday that Europe needs a “fundamental, systemic” change along the lines of his own country’s Velvet Revolution nearly three decades ago.

But how such a monumental change comes about, he said, remains an open question. He shot down the idea that other countries could follow the example of the United Kingdom and simply vote to leave the EU. Efforts to link up anti-establishment, euroskeptic political movements in countries such as Hungary, Poland, Italy, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, France and Germany have shown little promise of success, he said.

To read more visit The Washington Times.

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