Eastern Europe News

Putin Invited To White House, Trump Warns Relations Better Get Better, Or Else

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U.S. President Trump asked National Security Advisor John Bolton to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to The White House in the fall, confirmed White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders.

“In Helsinki, @POTUS agreed to ongoing working level dialogue between the two security council staffs. President Trump asked @AmbJohnBolton to invite President Putin to Washington in the fall and those discussions are already underway,” Sanders said in a tweet, reported Politico.

Russians Doubt Putin Gained Much Of Anything At Summit, Other Than Short Term PR

POTUS continued to brand the recent summit in Helsinki as a success. “The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more,” the president wrote on Twitter. “There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems…but they can ALL be solved!” he wrote online today.

In another development, President Trump threatened the Russian leader that if relations don’t get better, Trump will be Putin’s ‘worst enemy’.

When It Comes To Trump-Russia, Just The Facts Please

President Donald Trump vowed Thursday that if his dealings with Russian leader Vladimir Putin don’t “work out, I’ll be the worst enemy he’s ever had,” reported CNBC. In the same interview, Trump blasted his predecessor, President Barack Obama, for having been a “total patsy” for Russia — while claiming he has been “far tougher on Russia than any president in many, many years. Maybe ever.”

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