Eastern Europe News

Bolton: Europe And Media Hypocritical Criticizing Trump-Putin Summit, As 8 Western Leaders Have Already Had Bi-Lateral Summits With Moscow This Year

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American national security advisor John Bolton mocked the U.S. media and European leaders for their opposition and innuendo regarding the upcoming summit between U.S. President Donald Trump, and Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 16th in Helsinki, Finland. In a press conference in Moscow, produced by the Russian news agency Interfax, Bolton listed the 8 European countries that have already had bilateral meetings with the Russian leader.

In a subsequent interview with CBS News, Bolton stated that Putin declared firmly that discussions about the return of Crimea to Ukraine were off the table. “President Putin was pretty clear with me about it and my response was we’re going to have to agree to disagree on Ukraine.”

Asked by reporters on Air Force One whether reports about him dropping Washington’s longstanding opposition to the annexation were true, Trump said, “We’re going to have to see,” reported RFERL.

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“I think the president often says ‘we’ll see’ to show that he’s willing to talk to foreign leaders about a range of issues and hear their perspective,” Bolton said.

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