Central Europe News

Video: Czech Republic Leads Central Europe’s Charge Against Brussels Anti-Israel Bias

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The Continent, which allowed the extermination of the Jews during World War II, has pitted itself against the modern-day Jewish people’s desire to establish their capital of the eternal home of the Jewish State of Israel in Jerusalem. Late last year, American President Donald Trump fulfilled the Congressional mandate of the last century and directed the move of the American embassy in Israel to its capital.

The socialist cabal in Brussels therefore decided to pass a joint European Union statement criticizing the relocation of the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Czech Republic blocked the resolution. The conservative nations of the Visegrad Group in Central Europe have been at loggerheads with Brussels over a variety of liberal positions.

Czech Foreign Minister Martin Stropnicky explains his country’s move in the video below. Video by RFERL.

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