Column 2 News

Russian Wheat Expected to Benefit From Mild Weather, Good Snow Cover

 Russian Wheat Expected to Benefit From Mild Weather, Good Snow Cover
Image by Afonin

A mild early start to the Russian winter bodes well for a banner crop of wheat as Russia tries to maintain its role as the world’s biggest exporter of grains. No cold snaps are expected and snow conditions are favorable.

“We have a fairly snowy winter for the region, which should help to provide protection as we go deeper into the winter,” said David Streit of the Commodity Weather Group. “Winterkill risks are limited for the beginning of the winter.”

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“Plantings for next year’s harvest are seen near a record high, with crop conditions mostly better than a year ago, according to estimates by the Institute for Agriculture Market Studies, or IKAR. Moscow-based consultant SovEcon also expects Russia to collect its second-largest wheat crop of 76.7 million metric tons, assuming that weather is similar to recent years,” reported Bloomberg.

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Russia has just now, 100 years later, reached its pre-WWI level of wheat production after the disaster of the Bolshevik revolution and the decimation of the intelligentsia.

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