Eastern Europe News

Saakashvili Says He’s Received Permission To Stay In Ukraine

Former Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili declared today he has received permission to stay in Ukraine from the appropriate government authorities. The former mayor of Odessa had his citizenship revoked earlier this year. He left the country and then returned, crossing the border illegally. He has been campaigning against the corruption of the Ukrainian government since and has formed a new political movement within the country.

Saakashvili, Says Ukraine Will Break Up If Corruption Is Not Reversed

“Today, I finally received a document from the migration service that certifies that I have been on Ukrainian territory legally. Of course, I’m not satisfied, but I’m going through the court to restore my citizenship,” he posted on his Facebook page.

Сьогодні нарешті отримав від міграційної служби документ, який засвідчує, що я перебуваю на території України легально….

Posted by Mikheil Saakashvili on Tuesday, November 7, 2017

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