
Is Biden Working With Putin To Destroy Europe And NATO? Gazprom Releases New Ad Taunting The Coming Harsh European Winter

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CDMedia reported in mid-2020 on the strange development of Joe and Hunter Biden meeting with Russian gas executives in the U.S. (Gazprom) within weeks of the invasion of Crimea by Russian forces in 2014.

The obvious purpose was to secure a piece of the Russian gas grift for the Biden crime family, while pretending to be ‘hard on Russia’ in the corporate media.

We find the meeting in the back of our minds as we see the spectacle on the world stage of Russia working with the Biden administration to destroy the Western World, specifically Europe.

Biden pushed for the Ukraine war, and now is pushing to keep it going, as it serves a purpose.

The Russian economy is doing surprisingly well in the face of Western sanctions, as hydrocarbon prices explode and Europe faces the consequences of handing over their energy security to a petulant 14 year old.

We reported yesterday that Russian gas giant Gazprom has shut off gas supplies to Western Europe. The company released a brutal video ad today, taunting EU citizens on the coming harsh winter with no heating supplies. The ad shows a Gazprom worker turning off natural gas supplies to Europe and Europe freezing as a consequence.

Former East German and communist German leader Angela Merkel was close to Vladimir Putin as she worked to destroy Europes nuclear and coal power industry in the name of ‘climate change’.

It’s common knowledge Vladimir Putin wants desperately to avenge the collapse of the Soviet Union.

It’s also common knowledge the diabolical Biden Crime Family never saw a corrupt gas deal they didn’t like and is deeply involved in destroying the Western world for the CCP.

German Economy Minister Habeck said today he can imagine parts of the economy will “simply stop producing for the time being.”

This is stunning. We are witnessing the globalist destruction of Western Europe, and indeed, Western civilization.

It’s obvious Joe Biden is involved in this agenda.

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1 comment

2004done October 19, 2022 at 5:00 am

Doesn’t that mean it will be blamed on President Trump for accurately forecasting it, instead of President Biden & Son for assisting/ profiting from it?


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