
90% Of Russians Trust Defense Minister Shoigu

90% Of Russians Trust Defense Minister ShoiguBehind Russian President Vladimir Putin, it seems that Russian Defense Minister Shoigu is also wildly popular, reflecting a Russian respect for the armed forces.

“Approval ratings and level of trust toward Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu are very high — 84% and 88% correspondingly,” WCIOM Chairman of the Board Konstantin Abramov told Russian state news agency TASS on Thursday.

90% Of Russians Trust Defense Minister Shoigu

As in the United States, regard for the military is also very high, although much higher amongst the Russian population. Almost 90% of Russians think the Russian military will be able to protect them from external threats and over 80% have a high regard for the Russian army.

“This is happening against the backdrop of existing external threats which our citizens register. Sixty-nine percent of respondents think that the external threat from other countries is obvious, relevant and increasing,” Abramov noted. The demand for a strong army is “indisputable” as 88% of Russians think that this is a priority for the country. “The share is lower among young people but still represents the majority (78%). Almost every other Russian (45%) stands for increasing influence of the army on the society. Only five percent of people hold an opposite opinion,” Abramov added.

90% Of Russians Trust Defense Minister Shoigu

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